I've had this idea in my head for some time now, but I haven't really put it into any kind of format. I was actually thinking about it last night as my family and I were taking a walk in the park. I was thinking about former times when I use to have the time to be more active and in turn be more physically fit. I thought about how I wished I could dedicate more time to my physical fitness and that's when a picture popped into my head. I have a saying on my office wall that says; "Remember to keep your life in balance. Too much of anything can typically be a bad thing". I saw a picture of a wheel, and in that wheel it contained several aspects in life that were very important and necessary to my existence. I did not have them lay ed out proportionately but I had a start of what to put into the wheel. To start off, I pictured exercise as one of the proportioned pieces , being that is what started this whole process. The remainder of the pieces would be split up into vital parts of one's existance in his/her life. Such as, faith, family, friends, extra curricular activities, work etc. Now, with a proportioned wheel set, if you took a pencil and poked it directly in the middle, in a perfect world you would have a life perfectly balanced and spinning correctly. But, that is not the way our life's always spin. Let's say for instance that I am spending more time in my work section of the pie, then I would have to move my center up into the work section slightly. Thus making the wheel spin slightly off proportion. Almost like an unbalanced tire would spin. If I kept this up for a while, the other portions would have to grow smaller, thus suffocating part of my time with them. Anyway, the image is this; if we were to take our life now and try to put it into portions of the "reality wheel" how would it spin? Would it be extremely off kilter? Would the center of our wheel be in work? Our family? Our faith? Our friends? You get the point. Maybe this reality wheel while not a perfect gauge, may give us some insight to how in balance or out of balance our life really is. I have some more thinking to do on this matter, but I feel I have a good start on something. What do you think?
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