On the drive in this morning, many thoughts crossed my mind and I wanted to write about them, but as I came into work I wasn't so sure that is what I wanted pouring out of my fingertips. I thought about my life, when I was in my late teens. I thought about how I was such a drifter. A young man with no direction in life. I had so longed to be free to explore the world and see what it had to offer. What I found was I was a young man adrift life's ocean with no oars or paddles. I was drifting atop each wave and letting life's waves push me where it willed. Have you ever felt like that? I'd be curious to hear where some people were when they were in such a state. How old they were, what circumstances put them there and maybe some of the experiences they had. As I look back and remember that state and sense of drifting I had I recall a lonely state, unsure, I felt small in stature while the world seemed to swallow me whole. Anyway, as I look out my office window today, those feelings are all but memories. As if it were all a bad dream. Yet, I am thankful for such a time. For how would I have known how delightful life can be if I had not tasted the darker side of life? How would I have tasted the sweetness if not for the bitter? So, I would ask you reader, where are you today? Where is your life? Are you tasting the bitter side of life today? Or are you enjoying the sweetness of life's pleasantries?
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