I've started several blogs in several locations, and I have decided to make this one for real. Haha. Why blog you say? Why write down your thoughts in such a format? Well, I'm just to lazy to use a pen or pencil. :) Let's just say that I can type much faster than I can write. Hopefully, the whole world wide web doesn't have some kind of massive meltdown and all my thoughts and inspiring moments go with it. Haha, oh well, I guess I suppose if my life doesn't correspond with any of my ramblings on this blasted Internet thing, than I really just wasted my time. I suppose wisdom can be written down, but if it isn't applied in life, what good has it really done? Anyway, I'm sure you will see many questions coming from my blogs. I have found that the only way to glean any kind of wisdom or answers, you must ask questions. Well enough for right now, I'll be talking with you later. Shalom.
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