I have never understood the term Spring cleaning. I suppose it is a time to put away the winter clothes or something to that extent, I'm not really sure. Obviously, it is a term that means an intense time of cleaning and sorting. One of the main ideas that came across me today is how often we neglect to spring clean our lives, minds etc. Sometimes, we just need to go through our life and get rid of the junk that just doesn't need to be there. Items that sit and mold in the corner's of our hearts. Many times we let these items inside the walls of our heart. Item's that stink and rot our inner man. We know they are their but we keep them anyway. Maybe someday to use them for whatever reason. So as this stuff just sits and rots in our hearts, we just sit around and look at it. Pointing at it, saying look at such and such and so forth. When in all reality, it needs to be put out of our lives and where it belongs, in a trash can. So, today, I have decided to not let certain "bags" of garbage in my heart house. Stuff I know that is nothing more than that. I have had friends who try to share and ask me to store their "bags" in my home, today, I gladly decline. Maybe it would do us some good to say no more garbage today. I have plenty to deal with on my own, that I need to throw away. So, may the Lord help us today, to get rid of the garbage and help us to enjoy one of the main purposes of life. To enjoy it with our creator. Amen