I'm not sure why we do it, but we do. Especially in an age where we are always busy with our cell phones, computers, TV. video games etc. We become unaware of our surroundings. We don't ever stop to ask why I am doing this or that. Or why am I here at this very instance for? I sat in my friends car today as he was cashing his check and the first thing I grabbed was my phone. I was trying to see who I could call to fill the dead space. After a second of thumbing through the contact list, I closed the phone, stopped and looked out the widow. Yes, I was surround by concrete and asphalt, people running in and out of their cars. But off in the distance I saw a line of trees swaying in the wind. While I am not a green peace freak or one that stares into nature for insight. I found myself coming back to planet earth. The stillness of the trees, swaying back and forth brought me into some sort of focus. I took a minute from my business, and it felt great. It felt peaceful. Maybe it would not hurt us to take a minute and get away from our cell phones, radios, computers, TVs. Because in all reality, in 50 more years, more than likely ,I will no longer be hear on this planet. So why fill up my time with stuff that is unnecessary, insignificant? Anyway, you get the picture. Take some time today to pursue some peace in your life. Unplug for a little while. Make it a great day!!